Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween 2009!

Halloween was upon us!

Danny found some neato plates and decorations at the 99 cent store.

Jesse came over early to get ready.

While we waited for him to paint every inch of his body, we made cupcakes!


The Jolly Green Giant emerged. And carved a beautiful pumpkin.

So artistic!

Jihan showed up as Kim Kardashian.

Kate was Little Dead Riding Hoodrat.

Evan was Elvis and made sliders.

They were incredible.

Yay giants!

Captain Planet!

Party guests were slow to trickle in, so we walked downstairs to experience the mayhem that is West Hollywood.

It was really funny. As I walked around, strangers would go "Taco? Taco? TACO!!!!"

Marcus was a teabagger.

We saw some gay cowboys...

Random Santas...

Lady Gaga!

Scubu people...

Hotties from 300...

Lois? Is that you????

Oh and LaToya Jackson was serving shakes at Millions of Milkshakes!


We got back to the apartment it was PACKED.

Charlie brought a hottie in pink.

Adam showed up as Adam Lambert...

Marcus and PeterPhillip realized they were matching...

Jimmy was Quail Man.

Sookie Stackhouse!

Arlene!!! (with Michael Phelps)

A WASTED Green Giant!

People from Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog!

And what I think was the costume of the night...

Brian as Julia Child.

It was awesome and we set up my computer and the sound system so that I could control the music/dance party from my iPhone with this awesome program called "Remote".



Revisit Halloweens of the past!

Halloween 2005: Models, McMaster & Mayhem

Halloween 2005: YAOOO

Halloween 2006: The Cat Man Cometh

Halloween 2006: A little mustard for your deeeleeecious sandwich???

Halloween 2007: All Hail the Unicorn Prince

Halloween 2007: Yao revisited.

Halloween 2008: Sexy Pilots

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