Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Double-Wedding Weekend

So I mentioned how I had a wedding Friday in Newport...

And then ANOTHER wedding on Saturday in Connecticut right?

Two long days, really fun though.

Especially that second wedding because it was Kristen's friend Gretchen's wedding and Kristen was a bridesmaid so I got to play with her and Chrispy all day and try to take a good picture of them.

Chrispy HATES "relationship photos" so always tries to look as terrible as possible...not that that isn'this usual M.O. anyway...

In a way though these end up being cute little relationship photos in their own way. Cute!

Remember back in the day when we used to all try to make uglyfaces so that Chrispy would look relatively O.K.?

I miss that. We need to bring that back more often. So we did.

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