Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Melanie's Birthday

Melanie celebrated her 20-somethingth birthday the other night at Antibes Bistro in the Lower East Side. She had a special little menu with place settings all set up for her guests.

(Most of whom were pretty fellow glamazons who clearly subsist on a diet of tic tacs and lemons.)

We started with a delicious Poached Pear and Goat Cheese Salad.

There was plenty of wines which Goon and DK2 clearly enjoy.

And some chickenmeats.

Joyous birthday fun.

A little drunk.

A little meatsweatty.

And a cake.

And another weird sugarcane-y dessert.

Love the Kaminski klan.

After dinner we met up with Melanie's friend Jason who looks like Ryan Seacrest and is the new manager of the Co-Op at the Rivington Hotel.

He hooked us up with three platters of food. Below is just one of them. Sushi rolls, blue cheese fries, okra, and some little meatsticks. I was in heaven. Especially because no one else was eating.

And more cake with fire.

And bottles and bottles of Gooseliquor.

Blackout. The End.

Happy Birthday Mel!

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