Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2K10: Hamburgled

Since I now live in a wonderful new apartment with two wonderful new roommates, I was VERY excited to throw my first party. Fitting that it should be a Halloween party, my favorite holiday!

My roommates Kayvon and Jon and I all dressed as supervillains.

I went a little nuts on the candy spread.

Officer Craig did the laziest thing ever and wore his work outfit as his costume, but it complemented my costume quite well...

Chrispy borrowed my taco costume from last year, Kristen wore her ski clothes. Connie dressed as a crazy cat lady (aka Kristen), and Felix dressed as Kristen's cat Toby.

I procured a dozen or so fresh 99 cent hamburgers from McDonald's, they were best and cheapest part of my costume.

There was more than one sexy cop at our party.

For the party I procured a beautiful new pong table.

It was a wee bit cold though to be out on the roof.

And it wasn't long before people started snatching up my burgers.

Lots of people came.

Our living room was packed.

Noops and Zameer and two of the best costumes ever.

But the prize for best costume had to go to Eugene, hands-down, for his Tron costume.

This is what it looked like in the dark.

It was sooo cool.

And it was so crowded I kept trying to unsuccessful make people go up to the roof.

But instead they just spilled over to the kitchen.

And Felix kept eating my burgers.

I must admit...they WERE delicious.

And Eric came as a Geico Frog!

And Kate made a late appearance as Bullwinkle.

This is where I started being superwastedface and not remembering anything.

It was a lot of fun!

Woohoo! A Great NYC Halloween!

I can't lie though. I do miss WeHo!

Revisit Halloweens of the past!

Halloween 2005: Models, McMaster & Mayhem

Halloween 2005: YAOOO

Halloween 2006: The Cat Man Cometh

Halloween 2006: A little mustard for your deeeleeecious sandwich???

Halloween 2007: All Hail the Unicorn Prince

Halloween 2007: Yao revisited.

Halloween 2008: Sexy Pilots

Halloween 2009: TacoTacoTacoBurrriiiiito

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