Monday, August 16, 2010

Danny's Montauk Birthday Weekend

Montauk is as far out on Long Island as you can possibly get.

And traffic getting out there on the weekends is notoriously awful.

But everybody loves Danny. And everybody made the trek.

Noops, Z, and I arrived at Danny's summer surfmansion...

And we had actually decided to come a day early, since we didn't really know a lot of Danny's other friends and figured if we came Friday, we'd be part of the "In Crowd" by the time the big party Saturday night rolled around (Saturday was when 50+ were expected to show up).

But we arrived, and everyone was already at the beach.

(Actually this retelling of events is slightly inaccurate, everyone was at the house BBQing when we arrived, but I feel like in recapping the weekend with pictures it makes more sense to condense it all into just one giant day and beaching first makes the most sense in my mind.)

So yes, we found Danny at the beach.

A lovely lovely beach.

And we all became new best friends immediately. Just like we planned.

This was followed by a BBQ.

Danny had provided all kinds of fun party favors from our childhood including such treasures as snapbracelets, Big League Chew, and Pop Rocks.

There were some 50 or so people at the house. It was a good showing.

Everyone so nice and friendly. Because Danny is the best. And if you know Danny, you are probably pretty good too.

There was everything from burgers to cheesesausages to korean beef bulgogi to mussels.

And lots of beergames.

And several flabongoes.

Night fell.

And drinking kicked into high gear. With help, of course, from the flabongo.

There were games...

And dance parties at the house...

There was a dance party at the bar.

There was more danceparty at the house...

And then there was even more danceparty at the bar...

Even Magothy made an appearance!

Mags totally jacked my glasses.

We loves TimLoh!

We LOVES DannyHong!!!!

If any other favorite Asians had shown up I think my little heart might have exploded!

Late night we were disgusting.

Z and I roamed downtown Montauk looking for food or a snackshop. There was none.

We did, however, find a discarded pizza box with someone else's old pizza crusts and proceeded to eat them.

We also found someone's leftover bag of Utz Potato Chips and a can of soup.

Ate those too.


The next morning the boys were cooking an EPIC breakfast.

But all the drippy porkfat caused a giant PORKFAT GRILLFIRE which almost burned down the house.

Breakfast fail.

Instead, we headed into town for sandwiches before heading home.

And in town we had our Montauk Celebrity Sighting.

Jay the Australian who dated Whitney Port on The City.

He was sitting right next to my car so I got in and took a secret picture. Yay iPhone paparazzi!

Happy Birthday again DHong!

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