So when Kristy asked where we should eat I immediately said "La Dijonaise!"
When that option was too out-of-the-way, we settled on Monsieur Marcel at the Grove.
OMG FrenchBurger
OMG Boeuf Bourginon.
OMG So Happy!
So the Boeuf Bourginon @ the Grove was delicious...but the portion was teeny tiny (that picture above is an extreme closeup, the actual beefcubes were like half the size of a hamster) and the chef would not allow me to order it with pasta, so it left me still a bit hungry.
Of course the second I got home, Matt called and told me we had to come meet him, first at another L.A. Models Party, followed by a party at his awesome boss Richard's house celebrating the birthday of legendary photographer GregGorman.
We were exhausted and had been planning to just spend the night watching awful movies.
Matt said Leo Dicaprio and Luke Perry were expected to be there. Within minutes we were getting ready.
By the time we were ready Matt & Kelli were leaving the models party and heading straight up to Richard's house (also the site of Matt and Kelli's wedding reception)...
We arrived and the birthday party was in full-swing.
As was Matt...
There were A-gays everywhere!
OMG ... there was a full Julia Child-themed birthday buffet catered exclusively by birthday boy Greg's good friends Bruno and Wolfgang. As in Wolfgang Puck.
It was surreal. These guys are superstars of their respective industries.
(Below: Kelli, Mr.Gorman, Kelli's sister Collette, and Mr.Puck)
Grey Goose sponsored the event, so after stuffing our faces, we drinked.
There were mega-sized bottles of alcohol everywhere.
And snackies.
The garden was all lit up.
Richard and Adam are such wonderful hosts.
The view...
Fierceface sisters!
And then Matt found the Patron.
So what happens when you have an epic party full of free giant boozebottles?
You get randoms passed out in your garden.
And supermodels taking off their clothes.
And swimming!
Leo and Luke never showed up, but it was still a great night of impromptu epicness.
And now I'm in Minneapolis on my layover heading back to NYC.
And guess where I just had lunch?
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