Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Melanie & Willis's Wedding

In the great bridal spectrum, most brides fall into the average to below average category...they're the best they've ever looked...but it's still...meh......they're a pigeon disguised as a seagull.

The average DK bride is generally above average or top 10%. These brides radiate beauty, elegance, and general splendor on a daily basis. They are the flawless doves of brideland.

And then there's Melanie. The great white swan bride.

Mel was put on this earth to wear a wedding dress. Definitely a 1%-er.

Literally, when the doors opened and she walked into the room escorted by DK2 (her big brudder), there was a collective gasp.

(I've heard gasps before, but usually it's because someone trips and falls down some stairs.)

Megoon was a beautiful bridesmatron.

The ceremony was cute. The reverend yelled at the photographer for not sitting during his sermon.

"But I'm the photographer!" she whined...
He just shrugged... "Please sit."

Normally if I'm working, I HATE a strict rev, but in this case, as a guest, I grinned from ear to ear. The photographer had yelled at me when she accidentally backed her head into my camera while I taking a shot. "You have to keep at least TWO FEET AWAY FROM ME!!!") We could have been friends. But instead she chose to be enemies. Bad choice, lady.


Back to the wedding.

SO cute!

I just love Megoon's family.

DK2, what a hunk!

Between the ceremony and reception we had a 40-minute break. So Goon's brilliant brother and sister suggested we run to the closest CVS to get a print of an epic shot I had just taken at the ceremony.

Imagine the gleeful expression below except looking at the framed photo I had just given them. It was pretty much the same.

Oooh! There was a fun photo booth. I've decided to add a photobooth service as an an add-on to my wedding package. So easy and I can probably charge an extra 1K-1.5K. Woo!

I had also taken Mellis's engagement pic, which was prominently displayed. Yay....

Ohhhh after eating and dancing, there was a PIE BAR.

LOVES a pie barrrrr!!!!!!!!

The photobooth got kinda silly.

Oooh I think I may be shooting a Miami wedding for Hot Keith (below) and his fiance. Yayyyyy...

Loves fancy weddings leading to other fancy weddings!

Oh...I forgot to mention the entire day was INCREDIBLY SCORCHINGLY HOT.

But once we were drunky, it didn't matter.

Meg's mom got stepped on and rolled her ankle. Sadface. (I do love how DK2's mom seems to think it's hilarious though.)


Air guitars!

Geek glasses!

The End.

Congratulations Mellis!!!!!

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