Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Jersey Wedding!

Over the weekend I shot wedding #4 of 28 for 2012. (Though I may have picked up a 29th wedding in the process.)

Who knew Jersey could look like this?

My couple again was gorgeous.

The bride was Jen, one of Katie and Megoon's best friends from high school who I've now known for several years.

LOVE shooting a wedding that all my friends are at!

Jen didn't hire a makeup artist, so I had her bridemaids gave her a hand.

The mean priest at the church had very strict rules and would not allow me to go anywhere near the altar for pictures. Lame.

I did still manage to get a few decent shots though.

The boys wore suspenders, which, sans jackets made them look like German lads.

George and his groomboys were all trackstars, so I had them sprint around trying to grab each others batons.

Katie made a lovely bridesmatron.

Yay dancings.

Yay embarrassing speeches.

Yay pop music!

They played One Direction, OBVIOUSLY.

KP girls unite!

Loves a KP wedding!

Congratulations Jen and George!


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