Friday, May 13, 2011

Toni & Mike's Wedding!

After days of lounging by the pool, snorkel and scuba expeditions, and feasting the big day had finally arrived.

Toni was by far the most chill bride I have ever witnessed.

Throughout the whole wedding process she was so laid-back. Someone would suggest a color scheme or a flower arrangement or a dress color and she'd be like, "that sounds good." Honestly if you encountered her the day before the wedding you would have had no idea she was about to marry.

But marry she did.

And the day started at the salon for mommy, bride, and maid of honor KristyKwan.

In the morning there was a tea ceremony. Where the bride and groom served tea to all the parents and aunties and uncles in exchange for munny.

Then we went into Toni's auntie's ridiculous jungle-like garden and took some family photos.

Awww Gooma and Charmaine have such lovely smiles...

And Auntie Pearl and her three sisters make that grey hair WERQ!

And the bride and groomboy look so happy.

We even got the notoriously shy MikeyMike (of MikeyMike and the Mikey Mikes) to pose for some pics.

Finally we headed over to the ceremony at Aloha Towers.

Randy escorted Auntie Pearl to her seat.

And Uncle Bill looked like the proudest daddy ever. He didn't stop smiling all weekend. Crazy because when we were little he was the SCARIEST MAN IN THE WORLD.

But on this day he smiled. And even teared up maybe.



It is worth noting that Kristy spent countless hours HAND-drawing each and every person's place setting complete with name and little Hawaiian map on the back. The tables were named after islands.

(Yes she is nuts.)

It was a small reception. 60 people or so. And it was great because unlike a lot of receptions which are frenzied and huge with the bride and groom rushing off to spend 5 minutes with each and every guest, Toni and Mike really got to soak in the day and hang out with their friends and fam.

There were the usuals: first dances and embarrassing speeches...

And then there was a dance party featuring lots of wedding "favorites" (aka I hear them at almost every wedding and they make me want to jump off a cliff) like "Shout" and "Sweet Caroline" and "Love Shack" !

During the very last song, Toni's contact lens popped out.

It was an expensive gas-permeable lens and not one of those daily disposables, so she was quite upset and every was on their hands and knees searching for it.

There were several false alarms.

I felt bad for Toni, but at the same time I was like, this makes for really funny pictures!

We spent maybe something like 15 minutes searching. And at one point some random busboy dude walked up and was like, "are we searching for jewels?" thinking someone lost a diamond setting or something.

The sight of the poor bride sitting helpless, her entire dress in full contact with the dirty floor was probably one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.

Sad sad.

But we finally did find it, stuck to Mike's arm.

And then there was a 2 hour partybus afterparty back to our resort. Yay! There was puking.

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