Monday, September 13, 2010

Katie and Semmes' Wedding: This is gonna take a while

Gonna take a while and multiple blog entries.

I mean, it was AN EVENT.

Katie already has the most infectious smile and laugh and spirit of anyone I know. Put her in a room with her dearest family and friends, get her MARRIED, and well, it was basically a 12 hour smilefest.

The band was amazing. Her photographer was amazing. Like AMAZING. The most creative guy I have ever seen.

Here's a teaser photo he posted on his blog.

And everyone was all smiles all day long.

Here are the first few photos I've worked on. There are so many photos, I really have no idea how this is going to work. Stay tuned!

Such a beautiful wedding.

Such a happy weekend.

Congrats Katie and Semmesey! Have fun in France!

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