Saturday, May 15, 2010

Smileyjohn and Jesse save my life

So seriously if it hadn't been for Smileyjohn and Jesse videochatting me to see if I could postpone my flight to standby on the first morning flight and just not even deal with standby for my 1:30am flight that I went and managed to miraculously get a seat on the 6am flight.

I'm not sure if properly explained this but basically if I had waited on standby as I had planned for the 1:30 flight and then not gotten on and THEN rolled over my standby status to the 6am flight I would have been in line with all the other people who didn't make it on the 1:30am flight. But because I was like, F the 1:30 am flight and a seat opened up JUST as I was doing it, I basically cut the line.

So I owe it all to them that I make it to Dallas in time for the wedding.

To celebrate the boys drove over from Silverlake to spend a few hours with me in Venice.

We drove up to Abbot Kinney.

And hit up Roosterfish.

Lots of beers.


And then we played Photo Hunt.

And we got the top score!

And then...IHOP.

Where we had the most fabulous waitress - Ms. Charisma.


After late night eats they dropped me off at the airport. And who did I run into while riding the elevator from Departures to Arrivals to grab a little sleeping spot before security reopens?

Kimora Simmons.


See you in Dallas!

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