Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ball Boy FAIL

My buddy Granto works as a ballboy during the US Open (you may remember him from his Caylee Anthony Halloween costume).

The other night he ATE SH*T while trying to retrieve a ball.

And now he's famous.

Kind of...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Boston / WeddingLOL / Shorehouse / Wedding

I got home the other night from Irene and Jon's wedding and PASSED the F OUT.

To recap the week...

I arrived in Boston Wednesday for a wedding consult (booked it!) and then had a photoshoot for a little actor child and then had some playtime Thursday with Danald and Kathryn.

Friday I drove down to RI for a wedding.

It was a fun wedding, though I did have a little "encounter" that I ended up posting on Facebook which got A LOT of "likes"...

I thought it was funny...but not THAT funny...

Apparently it hit a chord with some people.

Sad for that girl... we could have been friends.... but instead we became mortal enemies and I ended up trying my best to take photos of her in compromising positions.

Mission: Accomplished

Sorry. About. It.

This other girl was fun too. She's the one I was accused of "hitting on".

She did splits on the dancefloor. Woo!

My bride and groom were lovely, though!

The morning after, I booked it down (5 hour drive) to the Jersey Shore for some playtime with Katie, Semmesey, and Co.

We had a poolside bbq...

The Shorehouse is now furnished finally. It's pretty amazing.

We also played some pong-games.

Late at night there was, of course, a wine cellar danceparty.

I then woke up bright and early to drive up to the Hudson River Valley for Irene and John's beautiful wedding.

Prior to the wedding I had a delightful burger overlooking a waterfall.

And this happy couple was just beauteous. A beautiful beautiful bride and wedding!