Friday, January 29, 2010

Live! with Kelly and....Jerry O'Connell?

We woke up at 7am on Jesse & Smileyjohn's second day to attend the morning taping of Live! with Regis Jerry O'Connell and Kelly.

I think we were still drunk. (Smileyjohn didn't make it.)

We arrived and got in line.

Michelle was awake and chipper!

We were dying inside. (Jesse especially. I think he had to poop.)

Gelman introduced our hosts.

And they walked out...(Kelly looking FIERCE.)

They started with host chat.

And during commercial breaks Kelly would come out and pose for pictures for the audience. She is SO nice.

She is TINY and I think subsists on a diet of altoids and tic-tacs.

Guests were Harrison Ford.

And Lucy Lawless.

There were a couple of fine ladies sporting Kate Gosselin hairdos.

And the middle of the taping, Jesse had to excuse himself to have explosive diarrhea.

Kelly was all like, "Control your bowels!!!!!" But totally joking.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Canon Freeze Tag

Bobby was in this really sick Canon "commercial" which I assume was made by some of his film school buddies.

There's a cool behind-the-scenes video of how it was all made. Not sure if you'll be able to access the Facebook link but try clicking here.

Did you spot Bobbo?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2009 Year-In-Review

Ahhhhh 2009. A year that started with nowhere to go but up.

Over the years I've devoted quite a bit of time to updating this blog. And this Year-In-Review is no exception. But as someone who is all over the place and constantly taking pictures, I think photo-blogging is the perfect way to journalize and catalog everything so that at any moment I/we can all look back and remember the adventures, experiences, and accomplishments that have taken place.

Keeping a blog is also not as invasive as a Facebook status update or twitter feed where you're forced to see every single thing someone is doing against your will. Here you can elect to check up on me if you care or are or bored enough to, or don't.

I look at blog time as my chance to reflect on the wonderful places I've had the opportunity to see, the epic things I've been able to do, the delicious things I've feasted on, and the incredible people I'm proud to call my friends, family, and loved ones.


2009 was the year that started off with me ringing in the new year sitting on my couch reading a book with my bummed ankle.

Shortly thereafter, KG tore his ACL.

And I returned to L.A. confined to a computer chair but greeted by wonderful friendly faces.

In 2009, we inaugurated Barack Obama.

Farshid took me for a ride in his Maserati.

Hot Danny and Kelly Clarkson inspired me to make another music video.

And my foot just would not f*cking HEAL.

2009 was the year of David After the Dentist

I gradually became more and more social and mobile on crutches...

But I realized that using a wheelchair is a way more convenient way to free up my hands for double-fisting. (Also it makes it easier to talk to crotches.)

2009 was the year we often thought about stabbing our giggling roommate PeterPhillip.

In February we tried to go to Vegas but got stopped by snow.

We did finally make it to Vegas... though it was probably the most low-key trip ever...

Sometime in mid-March, though, I was finally able to stand again.

2009 was the year MarkyMark was on Date My Mom...

Imran was on The Price Is Right.

PWu was in a cool music video.

Smileyjohn was on The Daily Show.

And I was on American Idol.


OK fine and maybe a third time.

2009 was the year Kris Allen came into our lives.

And it was also the year Evan became our new neighbor and number one FrOG.

In 2009, Jesse became a BFF.

And a chance encounter with Smileyjohn made him a BFF as well!

In 2009, Smershy came back into my life.

And Danny left for South America indefinitely, but then returned.

2009 was the year we were really into Smileywine.

And in 2009, Dan and Emily threw their 2nd Annual Pizza Party.

Imran had a White Party.

We celebrated Jesse's half-birthday.

We had an impromptu night of Preppy fun.

Went to a Models Party.

And 2009 was also the year of the very first India Party.

Which is where Felix and Connie became an item...

They say Rome wasn't built in a day...but Makeout City definitely was...

The day after, we celebrated KG's birthday.

And immediately afterwards he stopped being our friend.

(The ultimate supersadface thing that happened all year.)


2009 was the year someone I know met Oprah.

2009 was the year I finally got an iPhone.

2009 was the year of High Fashion Disneyland.

And MAO came for a visit.

In 2009 we got another free trip to Vegas.

Had an Easter picnic in Malibu.

I went to my first baby shower.

And Hot Danny became a parts model.

In 2009, I took pics for Kris Allen's adorable wife Katy.

And Alias's Kevin Weisman.

2009 is the year everyone feared pigflu.

In 2009, I celebrated Cinco De Mayo for the first time.


2009 is also the year we saw Rach get showered and then married.

A million people got engaged.

Starting with Cousin Jon.

Followed by Megoon.

And then on the eve of Megoon's engagement party, Katie got engaged too.

Farshid got engaged in Pittsburgh.

And so did Steph and Hua.

Dan became a doctor.

As did Farshid.

We went back to Brown for our 5 Year Reunion.

And I was featured in The Tall Book.


2009 was the year everyone and their moms started leaving LA, starting with Carlos.

Then Demily.

Then Chrispy.

Then Rachael and Rob.

And eventually I jumped on the wagon too.

(I had an epic going-away party.)

I embarked on an epic kross-kountry adventure with Danny.

And upon arriving in NYC, we attended Broadway Bares. Hands-down the single most incredible live production I have ever seen.

I flew to Buffalo for Vitri's weeklong wedding.

Went back to LA.

Attended Brad & Callie's Vampire Wedding.

And enjoyed a wonderful summer in New York City.

Made some fabulous new friends.

Reconnected with old ones...

And realized that the city is filled with Brown people!

Smileyjohn, Lady Di, Dan!ald and KDG all visited NYC over the summer.

We played on Felix's patio.

Played at Mark & Todd's.

Celebrated 4th of July at Connie and Kristen's...

Hung out in Central Park...

And went to a Girltalk Concert.


2009 was the year I had a life-changing hamburger that I still have wet dreams about.

And in August of 2009 I went to LA yet again.

We went to a party where we met Wolfgang Puck and everyone took off their clothes.

Naia took me to a fabulous fashion show.

And then I went to New Orleans for Southern Decadence.

In September, Tim visited NYC.

And then decided to stay for good and started looking at crazy real estate.

2009 is when TL turned 30 in some serial killer's basement.

Then we celebrated Halloween, epic as usual.

We went to a Brown party at Smileywine Vineyards.

I went to a Fray Concert.

Made several trips to Shanghai Cuisine.

And went to New Orleans yet again.

2009 was the year I had the BEST thanksgiving turkey of my entire life.

But then also spent Thanksgiving in Connecticut with Connie and Kristen's family.

And later had a belated family thanksgiving in Chicago.

In 2009 Tee and I celebrated our birthdays together. Complete with a fake engagement.

And then we celebrated on the West Coast too.

2009 was the year I had my 10-year Barrington High School reunion.

And finally I finished out the year in Hong Kong.

There were several back and forths between NY and LA which I didn't bother to mention because transcontinental travel is such a huge part of my life now.

But I think I'll try to settle down more in 2010. (Not promising anything.)

Yes I started out the new year with another bummed ankle, but I bounced back in a day, and that bodes well for things this new year I think.

Once again, happy new year!

I'm about to jump on my flight back to New York City.

Wishing you wealth and health and beauty and anti-aging and love and success and world domination in the new decade!
